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OSTF 09-08-14 Minutes
                     OPEN SPACE TASK FORCE
                       Minutes of the Meeting                                               
                        September 8, 2014              
Attendance: Pat Botteron, Sue Larsen, Bart Pacekonis, Herb Asplund, Roy Normen, Louise Evans, Betty Warren, Carol Heffler, George Caye, David Romejko, John Caldwell, Steve Wagner  

Chairman Pat Botteron called the meeting to order at 5:31 pm.

OSTF pledged allegiance to the Flag.
Public Participation: None

Acceptance of Minutes:
Minutes from the July meeting were approved.

New Business:

Pat Botteron asked for volunteers for the Heritage Day Event on October 4th.

           Set up:  Sue Larsen, Bart Pacekonis, John Caldwell, Herb Asplund
          9 - 10 AM:   Carol Heffler
          10 – 11 AM:  Betty Warren
          11-12 AM:
          12 – 1 PM:
           1 - 2 PM:  Louise Evans
           2 – 3 PM:
           3 – 4 PM: Sue Larsen
           Tear Down:  Sue Larsen

Bart Pacekonis said that P&Z received a grant of $50,000 to study preservation planning along Main Street.

John Caldwell reported that he put signs on the trail maps on the website.  The signs are no smoking, no alcohol etc.  The pavilion at Nevers Park is an exemption to the alcohol rule.  John reported that they are clearing invasive plants in Nevers Park.  They are clearing about 30 ft. back toward the open grill areas.

 There will be a walk through of the Jones property on Tuesday.  

Dead trees are being cleared on the Barton property.  “Cash in lieu of” money (developers pay money instead of giving land in an open space subdivision) will be used to cover the costs.  

Ed Richards, a tree expert from Glastonbury, went out to the Priest property and identified Asian trees that are in exceptional condition.  They are trying to clear out the bamboo on the property.  The Garden Club has identified plants in the area.

 Betty Warren expressed concern by SWALPAC on a possible solar project on Barber Hill.

Roy Normen told everyone he had an energy audit done and is looking to utilize the insulation rebate from Energize CT.

Pat Botteron spoke about her meeting with Mayor Anwar.  He would prefer a resolution to the sign problem on open space.  John Caldwell said one solution would be a 4x8 board in which permitted signs could be placed on them. Roy wants it limited to town signs and not commercial signs.

It was reported in a local newspaper that there was no money left in the Open Space account but Pat Botteron verified that we have 3.3 million dollars left from two referendums.  

There was discussion that Conservation Commission Lease money should go to Open Space.  Betty Warren said it was about $18,000 per year.  Currently the money is being used the High Tunnel Greenhouse on Avery Street and possibly bringing water to the Nelson property on Deming Street.  

Steve Wagner spoke about solar panels on the Priest property and Neiderwerfer property.  Steve explained that the utilities are collecting fees right now through our bills to cover energy inspections, insulation rebates, energy efficient appliances, CT Pace and Solarize CT.  There is a discussion about using farm land on Barber Hill to create a solar farm.  This could result in more money for the town than farming.  It could be a 10 year lease.  A group will be formed with a member from OSTF, SWALPAC, P&Z, and Inland Wetlands to discuss the feasibility of this.  Betty Warren said 5 year leases were already signed for farming. Roy Normen talked about seeing solar panels over parking spaces.  Herb Asplund wondered if this could be accomplished with private owners. Sue Larsen will represent OSTF.

Old Business

King Street and Jones property are still open items.

Pat Botteron spoke to Paul Burnham about the Wapping Fair.  Barton property may be an option since “cash in lieu of “ is being used to clean up the property.  It is still in the early stages of discussion.  Paul also mentioned purchasing the house on Ellington Road and tearing it down to make a parking area for Wapping Park.  The area is very wet.

Pat Botteron reported on the SWAAN project on the Priest property.  Teams were visiting farms across the state getting more information about how they are accomplishing their goals.  The members will meet on Wednesday to report on their findings.
Other Business  

The review of the bylaws was tabled to the next meeting.

Carol Heffler moved to nominate Pat Botteron as Chair, Louise Evans as Vice Chair and Sue Larsen as secretary.  George Caye seconded the motion.  The vote was unanimous.   Pat thanked everyone for the vote of confidence.

Our next meeting will be October 6th.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:51 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sue W. Larsen